Il Punto Impresa Digitale della Camera di Commercio, in collaborazione con l'Università Politecnica delle Marche, organizza il quinto PID-LAB, nuova tappa di un di un ciclo di laboratori grazie a cui le imprese potranno fare esperienza diretta delle tecnologie 4.0. L'evento gode del patrocinio di EDIH4MARCHE e rete EEN.

Il quinto appuntamento, dal titolo "Blockchain per la tracciabilità del Made in Italy", si terrà il prossimo 25 settembre, a partire dalle ore 15.00, e racconterà come le tecnologie blockchain stanno rivoluzionando la valorizzazione delle produzioni tipiche del Made in Italy, assicurando nuove modalità di tracciabilità alle filiere.

E' possibile fin d'ora iscriversi all'evento al seguente link di Eventbrite:

Il laboratorio comprenderà casi di applicazioni pratiche e attività dimostrative delle soluzioni tecnologiche implementate. Durante l'evento, saranno inoltre presentati i risultati di una ricerca sull'utilizzo di tali tecnologie per le diverse filiere del Made in Italy.

L’evento si svolgerà in presenza presso il cLab, (Edificio 5 quota 155) del Polo Monte Dago, Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona.

Il laboratorio sarà riservato ad un massimo di 60 partecipanti, al fine di garantire un elevato grado di interazione.


Assegni di ricerca in Economia Applicata

n. 1 assegno presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione - Settore ECON-04/A

D.R. n^ 930 del 19.07.2024  Scadenza: 8 agosto 2024, ore 13,00.

Durata del contratto

1 anno.


Entrepreneurial ecosystem and business registration during the COVID-19-pandemic.

Descrizione del progetto

La scoperta e la diffusione del COVID-19 nel 2020 ha avuto un impatto significativo sull'avvio di nuove imprese in molti paesi del mondo. La pandemia ha colpito particolarmente l'Italia. La diffusione della pandemia e le misure di contenimento adottate dal governo italiano hanno avuto un impatto eterogeneo sulla nascita di nuove imprese anche tra i settori. Lo scopo del progetto è quello di indagare quali fattori socio-economici, se presenti, hanno contribuito a moderare o penalizzare alcune aree geografiche/settori rispetto ad altri in termini di registrazione di nuove imprese.

Per più informazioni compila l'application


n. 1 assegno presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione - Settore ECON-04/A

D.R. n^ 930 del 19.07.2024 Scadenza: 8 agosto 2024, ore 13,00.

Durata del contratto

1 anno.


Open Innovation in public Governance for an inclusive society and citizens' Wellbeing.

Descrizione del progetto

Il progetto ha l'obiettivo di studiare e analizzare le pratiche di open innovation nelle amministrazioni pubbliche e, in particolare, l'uso strategico degli appalti pre-commerciali (pre-commercial procurement) e degli appalti innovativi (innovation-procurement) per favorire il benessere dei cittadini. In particolare, il progetto si propone di capire come implementare le pratiche di open innovation che possano aiutare la pubblica amministrazione ad adottare un approccio più inclusivo e trasparente per migliorare il benessere dei cittadini.

Per più informazioni compila l'application








Marche Polytechnic University & University of Banja Luka

9th REDETE Conference 2022

“Present and future challenges in regional development in the Adriatic-Ionian Region”

Ancona, Italy – 15-16 September 2022

Program at a glance


As a functional area primarily defined by the Adriatic and Ionian Seas basin, the Adriatic and Ionian Region plays a key role in strengthening geographical continuity in Europe. Comprising several countries and many regions that are highly diversified in relation to the socio-economic and physical dimension, it covers an important terrestrial surface area and homes more than 70 million people. The Region is facing unprecedented challenges, from the post-pandemic recovery to the green and digital revolution, which are increasing disparities between central and peripheral regions and inland areas within the same region. The region is part of the European Union Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) launched in 2014, a long-term strategic policy framework aiming to promote economic and social prosperity and growth in the region by improving its attractiveness, competitiveness, and connectivity. After seven years of implementation, it is time for a first evaluation of its results and for proposing new development trajectories for the Adriatic-Ionian Regions and its inner areas.

The aim of the 9th REDETE Conference is to encourage researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to contribute to our understanding of the challenges faced by countries and regions to promote economic development and regional integration.

Topics of interest include:

Entrepreneurship and innovation: new firm formation and firm dynamics; university-industry collaboration; academic entrepreneurship; innovation in transition economies; entrepreneurial and SMEs financing.

Regional development: clustering and networking; interfirm relations; regional innovation ecosystems; foreign direct investments; role of banks and financial markets; role of infrastructure.

Cohesion policy and European identity: population dynamics; social policy, poverty, and exclusion; legal systems, corruption, and inequality; EU cohesion policy.

The political economy of ethnic reconciliation in the Western Balkans: public policy and welfare state regimes in the region; building a multi-faith society across borders; integration and social tolerance; sustainable economic development and public policy models.

Migration: migrant and refugee crises; migrant socio-economic integration; brain drain; remittances; return migration; migrant entrepreneurship; migration policies.

All papers presented to the REDETE conference will be considered for publication by the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies (Routledge-Taylor & Francis, 8 issues annually since 1998 They will also be considered for publication in the form of an edited book in the Routledge series of Europe-Regional Studies (

The AII Permanent Secretariat will support the REDETE conference, encouraging the participation in the conference of young researchers and students from the countries of the Western Balkans.

For all relevant information about the Conference please visit the website:

Organizing Committee

Diego D’Adda Valentina Giannini Donato Iacobucci Francesco Perugini Roberta Ruggeri

Scientific Committee

Jovo Ateljević Giulia Bettin Vassilis K. Fouskas Shampa Roy-Mukherjee Roy Thurik

Conference advisor

Vassilis K. Fouskas





“Assessing regional competences and inter-regional collaborations in research and innovation”


23rd November 2021 - 9:30 – 13.00  

Faculty club

Polo Monte Dago, Polytechnic University of Marche 


The aim of the workshop is to gather researchers interested in developing methodologies and indicators to assess regional competences in research and innovation. These issues have become of key relevance for the design of regional innovation policy and to promote inter-regional collaborations. They are especially important in the design and implementation of the smart specialization strategy. 





Donato Iacobucci


Scientific Capabilities and Regional Diversification in Europe 

Ron Boschma, Utrecht University


Family ownership and regional patenting

Marco Cucculelli, Università Politecnica delle Marche


Regional technological profiles and collaborations

Diego D’Adda, Università Politecnica delle Marche


With no siblings, but with home”: single patent-class inventions (SPIs) and regional technological diversification

Sandro Montresor, GSSI





Workshop & Webinar

Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 10.00 am

Webinar - EUSAIR Stakeholder Platform

See additional details on the program


CII is one of the main knowledge producers on S3

Figure from Mora et al (2019), p. 408.

A recent article by Mora et al. (2019) on the current trends in scientific research on Smart Specialization positions our research group at the second place in Italy and the fifth in the EU as knowledge producers. The review by Mora et al. (2019) considers articles published up to 2016. For our recent publications on S3 go to the publications area or see the page on Researchgate


Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2019). Exploring Current Trends in Scientific Research on Smart Specialisation. Scienze Regionali-The Italian Journal of Regional Science, 18(3), 397–422. doi:10.14650/94657

27-29 of June-C2I joined to the Uddevalla Symposium at GSSI, L'Aquila.See more.

12-14 of June-C2I  joined the C.MET05 Workshop at Università degli studi Partenope, Naples. 

15-17 of May 2019- C2I  joined the II Workshop on Rethinking Clusters at University of Padova. See more.

31 of January and 1 of february 2019- C2I joined to XVII Annual Workshop Siepi, Rome at University of Roma Tre. See more.

2018 Conference program:

17 - 19 September 2018- XXXIX A.I.S.R.E Annual Conference, Bolzen (BZ) at Eurac Research Institute. See more.

28 - 31 of August 2018 - C2I joined the 58th ERSA Congress in Cork (Ireland). See more.

19 July 2018 - C2I joined the meeting on “L’Italia vista da Parigi e Berlino“: a original lecture of MARC LAZAR and DANIEL GROS about Italian political scenario, starting from the election of 4th March 2018, organized by the Fondazione Aristide Merloni at Hotel "La Fonte", Portonovo (Ancona). See more.

7 - 8 of June 2018- C.MET05 Workshop, at Università degli studi di Firenze (Prato). See more.

15 of May 2018- Report on "Women Entrepreneurship" in Marche region, at Contamination Lab (Univpm), in collaboration with Fondazione Aristide Merloni.

13-15 of April 2018- Redete Conference, at University of Banjaluca (Bosnia Erzegovina). See more.

Workshop on Smart Specialization Strategy, March 2018 at Contamination Lab (Univpm). See more.

Archive (past conferences and activities):


17 October 2017- Workshop on “Universities in regional innovation ecosystems: coherent policies for Europe beyond 2020”, Tartu (Estonia)

The goal of the workshop is to develop recommendations for actions to improve the effectiveness of European regional research and innovation funds. It will also serve as a forum to strengthen the strategic role that universities play in their regional innovation ecosystems, and to contribute to the shape of RIS3 (smart specialization strategy) beyond 2020. See more

The workshop is jointly organized by EUA (European University Association) with Universities Estonia and Universities Finland.

The workshop is the third in a series of workshops jointly organised by National Rectors’ Conferences and the European University Association in close cooperation with the EUA RIS3 Expert Group. Donato Iacobucci is participating as member of the EUA RIS3 Expert Group. See more.

All photos, video and presentations are now available on:

13 October 2017 - Presso la sede di Confindustria Marche Nord è stata presentata la Classifica delle principali imprese marchigiane 2016. La Classifica è realizzata in collaborazione con la Fondazione Aristide Merloni. Il rapporto può essere scaricato dal sito della Fondazione Aristide Merloni. 

Wednesday, 19 October 2016 at 4:00 p.m at "Loggia dei mercanti", Ancona, convention on "Classifica delle principali imprese marchigiane 2015", in collaboration with Fondazione Aristide Merloni and Polytechnic University of Marche.

Thursday, 06 October 2016 at 2:30 p.m at Contamination Lab (Univpm), report on "Entrepreneurship in Marche region", in collaboration with Fondazione Aristide Merloni.

XXXVII A.I.S.R.E Annual Conference, 20-21-22 September 2016, at Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà" (Univpm, Ancona). Click here to see the program. 

Monday, 19 September 2016 at 11 a.m at Univpm (Faculty of Engineering), seminar on "When can government venture capital funds bridge the equity gap?" of Prof.ssa Anita Quas (Emlyon Business school, Ecully, France).

Monday, 30 May 2016 at 4 p.m at Univpm (Faculty of Economy “Giorgio Fuà”), seminar on "“Imprese multinazionali e sviluppo economico locale” of Simona Iammarino, Professor of Economic Geography at London School of Economics and political Science.

Thuesday, 10 May 2016 at 3 p.m at Univpm, on the occasion of YFF2016 Call for Startups 2016.

C2I will take part in "YFF2016" at Univpm from 09.05.16 to 14.05.16. Click here to see the program.

Thursday, 28 April 2016 at 9 a.m, seminar on "Strategic Purchasing & Supply Chain Managementof Ing. Annalisa Mancini at Faculty of Engineering (Univpm).

Thursday, 7 April 2016 at 9 a.m, seminar on "Technology Characteristics, Firms’ Diversification Strategies, and New Product Introduction:a Multilevel Perspective" of Prof. Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli at Faculty of Engineering (Univpm).

Inauguration of the new academic year. On Monday, March 21, the Polytechnic University of Marche inaugurates the academic year 2015/2016. Click here for the Inaugural Address on "Third Mission and human capital"of Prof. Donato Iacobucci.

In the following link, the schedule of courses in "Business Economics" and "Organization of firms" at Faculty of Engineering (Univpm).

Starting in February 2016, involvement of C2i in Interreg ADRION programme 2014-2020.

PhD Course starting in "Economics and management of technology transfer" at University of Polytechnic of Marche (January and February). For more information see the following link:

On 4th and 5th February 2016 XIV Annual Workshop "Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale" at University of Studi of Florence. For more information see the following link:

On Friday 18th December 2015 Convention on Horizon 2020 Programs at "Loggia dei Mercanti" Ancona (Italy):