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Cainelli G., Giannini V., Iacobucci D..  2018.  Agglomeration, networking and the Great Recession. Regional Studies.
Cainelli G, Giannini V, pages=85-93 DIacobucci.  2017.  Gruppi di impresa e distretti industriali nel nordest. ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE.
Cainelli G., Iacobucci D..  2016.  Local variety and firm diversification: An evolutionary economic geography perspective. Journal of Economic Geography. 16:1079-1100.
Cainelli G, Ganau R, Iacobucci D.  2016.  Do Geographic Concentration and Vertically Related Variety Foster Firm Productivity? Micro-Evidence from Italy Growth and Change. 47:197–217.
Cainelli G., Giannini V., Iacobucci D..  2019.  Small firms and bank financing in bad times. Small Business Economics.
Cainelli G., Iacobucci D..  2005.  gruppi d’impresa e le nuove forme organizzative del capitalismo locale italiano. L'INDUSTRIA. 26:237–255.
Cainelli G, Giannini V, Iacobucci D.  2020.  Spatial networking and firms’ organization. The case of Italy. European Planning Studies. :1-19.
Cainelli G., Iacobucci D..  2007.  Agglomeration, Technology and Business Groups.
Cainelli G, Iacobucci D.  2008.  The role of agglomeration and technology in shaping firm strategy and organization. Dynamic Capabilities between Firm Organization and Local Systems of Production. :216–235.
Cainelli G, Iacobucci D, Micozzi A.  2020.  Discouraged Entrepreneurs and Persistence in Local Entrepreneurship. The Italian Case, 2001-2008. L'industria, Rivista di economia e politica industriale. :155–172.
Bertoni F, Croce A, D'Adda D.  2010.  Venture capital investments and patenting activity of high-tech start-ups: a micro-econometric firm-level analysis. Venture Capital. 12:307–326.
Bertoni F, D'Adda D, Grilli L.  2018.  Self-selection of entrepreneurial firms in thin venture capital markets: Theory and empirical evidence. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
Bertoni F., D'Adda D., Grilli L..  2019.  Self-selection of entrepreneurial firms in thin venture capital markets: Theory and empirical evidence. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. 13:47-74.
Bertoni F, D'Adda D, Grilli L.  2015.  Cherry-picking or frog-kissing? A theoretical analysis of how investors select entrepreneurial ventures in thin venture capital markets Small Business Economics. :1–15.
Ben-Hafaïedh C., Micozzi A., Pattitoni P..  2018.  Academic spin-offs’ entrepreneurial teams and performance: a subgroups approach. Journal of Technology Transfer. 43:714-733.
Barbieri E., Rubini L., Pollio C., Micozzi A..  2018.  What are the trade-offs of academic entrepreneurship? An investigation on the Italian case Journal of Technology Transfer. 43:198-221.
Balloni V., Iacobucci D..  1997.  Cambiamenti in atto nell’organizzazione dell’industria marchigiana. ECONOMIA MARCHE. XVI:29–66.
Balloni V., Iacobucci D..  2004.  Alcune considerazioni sul ‘ritardo’ dell’industria italiana. L'INDUSTRIA. XXV:639–653.
Balloni V., Cucculelli M., Iacobucci D..  1999.  L'industria italiana dell'elettrodomestico nel contesto internazionale. :1–146.
Balloni V., Iacobucci D..  2000.  I processi di crescita delle medie imprese nelle regioni NEC. ECONOMIA MARCHE. XIX:3–74.
Balloni V., Iacobucci D..  2000.  Distretti industriali, sistemi di piccola impresa, reti e gruppi: una breve riflessione. ECONOMIA MARCHE. XIX:7–15.
Balloni V., Di Maio D., Iacobucci D., Spigarelli F..  2001.  Alcuni casi di imprenditorialità nelle Marche. ECONOMIA MARCHE. XX:77–100.
Balloni V., Cucculelli M., Iacobucci D..  1998.  Le politiche del governo locale nel modello NEC. ECONOMIA MARCHE. XVII:9–118.
