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Small Firm Investment and Financing Decisions: An Option Value Approach. Small Business Economics. 9:491-502.
1997. The role of medium-sized and large firms in the evolution of industrial districts. The case of Marche. Contributions to Economics. :175-197.
2004. Growth, diversification, and business group formation in entrepreneurial firms. Small Business Economics. 25:65-82.
2005. Spatial agglomeration and business groups: New evidence from Italian industrial districts. Regional Studies. 40:507-518.
2006. Undergraduate students as a source of potential entrepreneurs: A comparative study between Italy and Argentina. International Entrepreneurship Education: Issues and Newness. :218-240.
2006. The growth of business groups by habitual entrepreneurs: The role of entrepreneurial teams. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. 34:351-377.
2010. Internationalization in Italian medium-sized firms: Does stage theory explain the observed patterns? Internationalization Technological Change and the Theory of the Firm. :187-209.