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How local geography shapes firm geography. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 34:955-976.
2022. Discouraged Entrepreneurs and Persistence in Local Entrepreneurship. The Italian Case, 2001-2008. L'industria, Rivista di economia e politica industriale. :155–172.
2020. Spatial networking and firms’ organization. The case of Italy. European Planning Studies. :1-19.
2020. Gruppi di impresa e distretti industriali nel nordest. ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE.
2017. The role of agglomeration and technology in shaping firm strategy and organization. Dynamic Capabilities between Firm Organization and Local Systems of Production. :216–235.
2008. Dimensione economico-organizzativa e strategie di crescita nei gruppi manifatturieri italiani. L'INDUSTRIA. XXVIII:160–180.