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High-tech entrepreneurial ventures seeking external equity: whether, when, where... and why not? Economia e Politica Industriale. :1–24.
2018. Self-selection of entrepreneurial firms in thin venture capital markets: Theory and empirical evidence. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
2018. Is Smart Specialisation Strategy coherent with regional innovative capabilities? Regional Studies. :1–13.
2018. Mapping innovation dynamics in the Internet of Things domain: Evidence from patent analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
2017. The participation of new technology-based firms in EU-funded R&D partnerships: The role of venture capital. Research Policy. 45:361–375.
2016. .
Hybrid alliances and radical innovation: the performance implications of integrating exploration and exploitation. The Journal of Technology Transfer. 40:696–722.
2014. Venture capital financing and the financial distress risk of portfolio firms: How independent and bank-affiliated investors differ. Small Business Economics. 44:189–206.
2014. The contribution of university research to the growth of academic start-ups: an empirical analysis. The Journal of Technology Transfer. 35:113–140.
2010. Venture capital investments and patenting activity of high-tech start-ups: a micro-econometric firm-level analysis. Venture Capital. 12:307–326.