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2016. La ‘Smart Specialization Strategy’ delle regioni italiane e le relazioni fra ambiti tecnologici. SCIENZE REGIONALI.
2016. Local variety and firm diversification: An evolutionary economic geography perspective. Journal of Economic Geography. 16:1079-1100.
2016. The participation of new technology-based firms in EU-funded R&D partnerships: The role of venture capital. Research Policy. 45:361–375.
2016. Relatedness and connectivity in technological domains: missing links in S3 design and implementation. European Planning Studies. 24:1511-1526.
2016. The role of universities in the location of innovative start-ups. Journal of Technology Transfer. 41:670-693.
2016. Cherry-picking or frog-kissing? A theoretical analysis of how investors select entrepreneurial ventures in thin venture capital markets Small Business Economics. :1–15.
2015. Do Geographic Concentration and Vertically Related Variety Foster Firm Productivity? Micro-Evidence from Italy Growth and Change.
2015. Fostering female entrepreneurship in academic spin-offs. University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness. 32:49-68.
2015. How to evaluate the impact of academic spin-offs on local development: an empirical analysis of the Italian case. Journal of Technology Transfer. 40:434-452.
2015. Local variety and firm diversification: an evolutionary economic geography perspective. Journal of Economic Geography. 16:1079.
2015. Vertical Integration, Organizational Governance, and Firm Performance: Evidence from Italian Business Groups. Managerial and Decision Economics. 36:517-527.
2015. Business Group Affiliation and R&D. Industry and Innovation. 21:20-42.
2014. Designing and implementing a smart specialisation strategy at regional level: Some open questions [Progettazione e implementazione della strategia regionale di specializzazione intelligente: Alcune questioni aperte]. Scienze Regionali. 13:107-126.
2014. Growth in total factor productivity and links among firms. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination.
2014. Hybrid alliances and radical innovation: the performance implications of integrating exploration and exploitation. The Journal of Technology Transfer. 40:696–722.
2014. I divari territoriali nella dinamica imprenditoriale in Italia. L'INDUSTRIA. XXXV:49–68.
2014. Ownership as R&D incentive in business groups. Small Business Economics. 43:119-135.
2014. Venture capital financing and the financial distress risk of portfolio firms: How independent and bank-affiliated investors differ. Small Business Economics. 44:189–206.
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2012. Coase theorem and exchangeable rights in non-cooperative games. European Journal of Law and Economics. 33:83-100.
2012. Competenze e capacità innovativa. Le nuove sfide per le imprese e il sistema della ricerca. L'INDUSTRIA. 33:81–92.
2012. Distretti e cluster: agglomerazione, specìalizzazione e varietà. Innovazione e trasformazione industriale: la prospettiva dei sistemi di produzione locale italiani. :137–142.
2012. Entrepreneurship education in Italian universities: Trend, situation and opportunities. Education and Training. 54:673-696.